Michal Pavlicek on Facebook
(23.02.2012) |
DVD Obraz Doriana Graye
(06.01.2012) |
Michal Pavlíček a hoste Na Kloboučku
(08.10.2011) |
(08.10.2011) |
(17.09.2011) |
Rocková jízda Sejít z cesty
(09.09.2011) |
Špačkové v síti času
(08.09.2011) |
Zivot je ples
(08.09.2011) |
Cesty domu
(08.08.2011) |
Tísňové volání
(05.08.2011) |
BSP DVD Launch
(07.06.2011) 7.6.2011 sees the launch in Prague's Sasazu of the new BSP DVD, accompanied by a concert. To support the release of the DVD, BSP will be playing … |
Odchazeni - Premier
(22.03.2011) The premier of Vaclav Havel's film “Leaving,” for which Michal composed the soundtrack is taking place on 22.03.2011 at Kino Lucerna … |
Excalibur, Picture of Dorian Gray DVD
(11.03.2011) The release of DVDs of Michal Pavlicek's musicals Excalibur and The \Picture of Dorian Gray is planned for the end of March |
Koncertní turné Srdeční záležitosti 2011
(11.03.2011) This article is corect only in czech version. |
Matters of the Heart released at last
(02.12.2010) Michal Pavlicek's 3CD “Matters of the Heart” is available for the Christmas season. Hip hip, hooray! |